FalseRape Shield’s Mission and Purpose Statements

Mission Statement

Quality legal representation is expensive yet essential. We provide legal fees assistance to falsely accused men.
Rape Lies Ruin Lives! ™ Protect yourself, become a member.

Purpose Statement

FalseRape Shield’s purpose is to educate the public about false rape accusations, to advocate for innocent men who have been criminally charged with sexual offenses and to provide wrongfully prosecuted men with financial assistance so they may get adequate legal representation. All before they take a plea bargain or get convicted at trial. Which can often be too late for help.

First and foremost, justice is our primary objective.

Rape is a horrible experience that many women suffer from and violators should be prosecuted and severely punished accordingly. Far more women tell the truth about their sexual victimization than those who are untruthful.

These bonafide women should be believed as well as supported. But the unspoken reality is, some women do not tell the truth. Statistics vary widely on this percentage, depending upon who conducts the study. We want justice for women who are victimized by sexual assault and correspondingly, we want justice for men who are falsely accused of sexual assault.

This nonprofit focuses on the minority of rape claims where men are falsely accused, making them the victims. All victims should have justice despite their gender.

Throughout history, innocent men have gone to prison due to false rape accusations.

This is simply a fact. In the book of Genesis: (39), Joseph is thrown in prison over a scorned, lying woman who was sexually rejected and sought revenge. Her name is “Zuleikha or Potifer’s wife.” Since then, countless men have succumb to similar fates and suffered greatly. Quite often, men didn’t have the financial capability to hire quality lawyers.

Consequently, they were either coerced into a plea bargain by prosecutors (in
fear of harsh sentencing) or these innocent men blindly went to trial with a public defender or a low paid attorney who didn’t care, or lacked preparation. I know this from personal experience!

The purpose of FalseRape Shield is to provide innocent men with financial assistance so they may get adequate legal representation, BEFORE their lives are destroyed.

There are many agenda driven, nonprofit organizations that support sexual assault “victims” without scrutiny. In the courtrooms they often serve as blind victim advocates devoid of deliberation or factual examination regarding the case, (sometimes, consequently putting innocent men in prison). In 2024 the Violence Against Women Act ballooned 100% from 2022, up to 1 billion dollars annually! Why? Who is fast-tracking or justifying these increases?

Notable facts

⦿ There are many powerful organizations boasting the meme “Believe All Women.” They indiscriminately vouch for women as “victims” in their literature and in court regardless of the case facts. These biased, federal grant dependent organizations profiteer from the “Violence Against Women’s Act” (VAWA’s) huge budget. They can influence the judges, prosecutors and juries by serving as victim advocates or experts. These groups create public fear campaigns because they need to maintain the “Toxic Masculinity” narrative and the “Campus Rape Epidemic” lie alive.

⦿ FalseRape statistics are lowballed or even buried while rape statistics always seem to soar. Manipulating rape statistics ensures the politicians will keep the money spigot flowing to these dependent organizations thus continuing their existence and the countless careers associated. Women who lie about sexual assault rarely get legal consequences or shame in the press. This despicable yet widespread media practice of ignoring proven rape lies actually encourages MORE false accusations. Not the opposite, as feminists always purport.

For example, a woman recently cried-out, two separate times, about being raped by a man at Stanford University in 2023. Huge protests and marches ensued by angry students. She was busted by detectives in her web of lies and was finally arrested after a confession. Never heard of her right? Because the story and her picture were buried.

“Women won’t come forward now!” is the mantra. This is all propaganda gaslighting. Actually…Women won’t lie about rape nearly as often if they see that there are legal Consequences for lying. Then perhaps we could actually “Believe All Women.” Sometimes logic and truth are abandoned for the need to convict. The Ends Justifying the Means is a destructive practice used against innocent men to forward their political cause.

So who helps these men? The widely celebrated “Innocence Project” led by revered civil rights attorney Barry Scheck, provides a valuable and noble contribution to society but they only take limited cases that are already post-conviction and only with exonerating DNA available. To hire expert testimony witnesses, secure DNA specialists and conduct thorough forensic or personal investigations is very expensive.

Nonprofit organizations that help falsely accused men pay for these unique FalseRape expenses PRIOR to their conviction are rare if any. We haven't found one that specializes in untruthful sexual assault cases. We want to help “pre-conviction,” before it’s too late and before the man’s life is ruined. Hence the need for FalseRape Shield.

To Our Potential Supporters and Possible Donor

”Do you ever fear, no matter how unlikely, that your son could be falsely accused of rape? How would that make you feel? What would that do to your family? What about his reputation? Quality legal representation is critical in determining whether he goes to prison or not. Do you have these emergency resources available? Not many of us do. Would you be willing to pay a small monthly membership payment to cover legal costs if the unexpectant ever

Objectives of FalseRape Shield

1. Provide resources to men being falsely accused of sexual assault, where the preponderance of evidence shows he is either innocent or has been grossly over charged.

2. Educate the public about the existence and frequency of FalseRape allegations.

Explore how propagandists can distort these rape lies as “rare,” or “victim blaming.” Explain WHY some women choose to lie, how liars benefit as “victims,” and expose how mainstream media downplays and covers up this reality to keep the narrative that women don’t lie. Illustrate how their promotion of the all inclusive slogans “Me Too,” or “Believe All Women” has had a devastating impact on innocent men.

3. Rape Liars must be held accountable and face equal prison time as he (the wrongly accused) would serve if convicted.

Put pressure on prosecutors to criminally charge these false accusers and send them to jail for just as much time.

4. Build a membership service by pooling finances together in effort to help alleviate
the falsely accused’s legal expenses.

5. Create a documentary laying out the financial gain feminist organizations enjoy annually under the billion dollar “Violence Against Women Act” (VAWA), keeping the alleged “Rape Epidemic on college campuses” and “Toxic Masculinity” lies alive.

Exhibit how many careers are tied to the demonization of men, often subsidized by tax dollars.

Join us in protecting the falsely accused.